Friday, September 4, 2009

blog.reddit -- what's new on reddit: reddit + TED interview Hans Rosling, the stats guru who brought sexy back to stats#comment-15994629

blog.reddit -- what's new on reddit: reddit + TED interview Hans Rosling, the stats guru who brought sexy back to stats#comment-15994629

Classic Television Showbiz: American Bandstand with guests The Seeds (1966)

Classic Television Showbiz: American Bandstand with guests Sailcat (1972)

You'll see the world on my Harley
You'll see the world from my Harley
You'll see the world on my Harley
If the chains don't break!

Vodpod Days

Check out great video footage on Vodpod.

Today's selections:

Morning Joe Brewed by Starbucks Coffee

PopTub - Refreshed Daily by Pepsi

Vodpod Movie of the Day: The Big Noise